Beginning of a New Chapter
Wow! So fast! Isn't it amazing? It's been 2 years since I last touched my own blog! What a time it has been for me personally. Everything in life runs quicker and quicker. I had completed my National Service in February 2007, finished my School Of Theology (Bible School), being accepted into the January intake of SIM School Of Business (Business Analytics), currently working as a temporary job worker with Hong Lam Marine PTE LTD, with a 3-month contract, getting more and more involved in Children's church, and lastly, holding a group of about 30 children! Isn't it just blow your mind off? Just a short 24 months and so much has changed. Looking back, whatever happened in the past is well and truly a learning period for me. Almost everything that has happened in the past, in my bias opinion, is purely to train me and to build me up as a person, a church leader. Truly, what a revelation it has been for me. I felt so great, so happy. Words alone cannot express my amazement at what God can do and has done in my life. HE has done exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can imagine or think of. And really, what a turn around. I was an insecure person in the past, always trying to seek affirmation from everyone, trying to please everyone, and, afraid of being rejected, I became a "yes" person, everything people asks me to do I'll say yes, regardless of the workload I already had. This had really drained my energy out fully. I felt so tired trying to please everyone. However, throughout the past 2 years, I have learnt that what I had done is basically useless. I cannot please everyone, simply because they are humans after all. All I should do, or should have done, is actually just to please God. Just do things that pleases Him. Looking back, I'm always asking myself, why am I so stupid, pleasing everyone? Hopefully what I have gone through would encourage all you readers. God bless you richly.