Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's Teacher's Day again...!!

Wow...!! 1 year has passed and it's teacher's day again...!! What greater joy than to celebrate with my loved ones, that is, my Children's church kids! You may ask: Why is Teacher's Day so significant to you? My answer to you is, Teacher's Day is a day that allows yourself to see and reflect what you have or had done in their lives! Well, for me, this 12 months had to a certain extend being very significant to me. My way of approach to kids had changed from being too laxed to somewhat regimental, of course allowing grace to flow out of me. I have learnt how to love the kids even more, more than what i could not even dream of. It also allowed myself to see God's purpose for me more and more vividly and I was so ascertained that I was walking right with God. This 12 months had also allowed me to learn to love God more and more, love His word more and more as well. In fact, I was reading the bible even when i am in Changi Naval Base, amid the busy-ness that I was going through, Praise the Lord! I'm really thankful that God has guided me during the last 12 months and I am looking for another 12 more exciting months ahead of me. Be sure to catch up with my blog!!

1 year's absence

Quite some time did not write my own blog already (well, it's very long actually). I've been very inspired recently by King David in the Bible in the book of psalms. He always looked to God when he's in trouble, whether emotionally or physically, as a king or when he was escaping from King saul. The approach that King David took is, i feel, of the utmost importance, especially in these last days that we lived in! Be decisive of which path you want to take, whether the path of the darkness of this world or the path of light of God's realm. I'm glad that I can have sovereignty over my own choices and that I have chosen to take the path of light, living for God and Him only I will serve. Never be taken aback by the circumstances in your life. Look to God, do not look to men, because God will always deliver you out of every single situation, situations even men would have given up hope. So then, make a decision to stick by God, live everyday by the Bible principle and you'll find that your path will be very much well guided. For God says that He will direct our paths when we walk in His will.